Friday, April 23, 2010


We don't wear sweaters anymore. Why is that? I don't mean the wool things that we struggle into all winter long, I mean cardigan sweaters. You know, like Mr. Rogers. We don't wear those sweaters anymore.

When I was young, if you got chilly you just put on a sweater. Everyone had sweaters - or several. Sweaters are also good for storing tissues - my mom always had one stuffed up the sleeve of her sweater. But I digress. These days, if we get chilly we reach for a hoodie or some other type of jacket. Sometimes we will reach for another type of long-sleeved pullover. We layer. And, of course, there are the the new blankets with sleeves that are the newest rage. We just don't reach for a cardigan.

Well, except me. I have two sweaters. I still put on a jacket sometimes when I'm chilly, or a sweatshirt, but I also put on a sweater. But maybe thats just me.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I'm not much of a fan of sweaters. Even the ones that don't itch just aren't as soft as sweatshirt material. And the other thing is, sweaters shrink if you wash them normally, therefore, I don't wash them, therefore, there's only so many times you can wear them before they're too dirty too keep wearing....
