Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday List

Since it's Friday I once again took part in one of my regular Friday riturals - I make a weekend "to do" list.

I don't start it until Friday, but sometimes I think about it earlier in the week. Mostly to wish silently to myself that I don't think of it and start the list too early in the day. The amount of tasks that end up on the list is directly correlated to how early in the day I begin it. Honest. A list that begins late in the afternoon is always much shorter.

Today's list only has about seven items on it. Now, some of them are large jobs - but only seven items. Cool

Now, with that said, I will honestly say that there is a very good chance that I won't complete the "to do" list. Even with only a few items on it, it doesn't matter. I don't think I have ever completed a list. I try, but there is always at least one thing left. Often more than one thing because as the weekend progresses I think of things to add to it.

I know I should not make lists - why set myself up for failure? But if I don't write them down, I'll spend the weekend trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing.

So, it's one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios. Sigh.

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