Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chocolate Pudding

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Something that you allow yourself to have way too frequently? Mine right now is probably chocolate pudding. It has been chocolate pudding off and on throughout the past, but all winter it's been top on my list. I buy a couple tubs of it a month. I try to make it last a long time, but it's usually gone by the end of the weekend. It's just too good.

It's sweet, rich, creamy, and of course, chocolatey (always a plus.) And, to borrow from another dessert treat, there's always room for it. Well, at least for me there is.

A coworker said that to make the guilty pleasure a little less guilty I should buy the instant, sugar free pudding. I will, but only to feel less guilty. Its just not as good. It is still sweet, creamy, and chocolatey - but the richness is gone. That rich texture on your tongue is one of the best parts. It seems a shame to miss out on it for the sake of a few calories.

Maybe I can work this to my advantage and be the Grammy that always has the good chocolate pudding in the fridge. I'm sure I can learn to share.


  1. Ick. Not a fan myself. I'd rather have a cookie. Or a chocolate covered pretzel.

  2. I definitely had a chocolate covered pretzel period.
