Friday, April 30, 2010


I've been humming a lot lately. I have been humming all morning today. No, it's not because it's Friday and I'm leaving early today - it's just a phase I guess.

But I have found that there is a direct correlation between my humming and my happiness. I find that when I'm humming, it's impossible to be anything but happy. Now, I couldn't swear that the humming causes happiness - in fact it could be the other way around - but I think it does in my case.

If I start humming my attitude improves. Before long I'm smiling. For no reason other than it's difficult for me to be gloomy when I'm humming.

I don't think I can scientifically quantify this or anything. But it's good to know. I can now, when faced with a mood that is less than pleasant, begin humming. It may not be permanent, but every little smile helps.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I was waiting to cross the street tonight and saw a lady in her car at the light. She was 50 ish trying to look 15 ish. You know the type - clothes too young, hairstyle and hair color a little too out there, fake tan accentuating wrinkles, etc.

I wonder if people who do rage against the advancing years know that they really are drawing attention to it. And I wonder how look to others. Do I look like I'm trying to look younger . . . or older? Do I look like I'm out of step with my generation? Do I just look as I should?

I like who I am - at every age I've been. I'm one of those odd ducks who doesn't mind birthdays or getting older. I have no problem telling people how old I am - well, that's not entirely true. I have a problem remembering how old I am sometimes and have to stop and count - but once I figure it out, I have no problem discussing it.

What I do have a problem with is my hands. Somewhere along the way I have picked up an old woman's hands. The skin is crepe-like and there are more lines and wrinkles than I remember. I looked down at my hands the other day and I wondered where they came from. Whose hands were these? I don't remember them being this way when I last looked. I haven't decided yet whether or not I like these new hands. I'm waffling. But since they are mine I'm sure they'll grow on me . . . so to speak.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It's windy today. Perfect weather I suppose for flying kites. I say that because I really don't know what is good kite weather since I have never managed to get one aloft.

They are a child's toy, right? Easy as pie, wrong! Its not like a yo-yo that, if wound tight enough and thrown down toward the floor, will come come back up - at least once. (Hmm . . wound tight and thrown toward the floor -- story of my life.)

Anyway, I've tried to fly a kite on a couple different occasions - usually when we bought one for one of the kids and needed to get it up to make it a fun gift. Thank goodness my ex was better with things like this because it was quite the dreary plaything in my hands.

But I've seen kites in the air. While they don't look fun, they do look relaxing. (I guess it's like fishing for the people who see it as an activity that requires floating around on a boat and drinking beer.) Maybe some day I'll try it again - or maybe I'll just watch.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Library . . revisited

I'm still going to the library next door over my lunch break. And I'm still not telling anyone at work where I'm going - but in all fairness, they don't ask. I just say "I'm going out for a while" and I get a nod in return. I love the indulgence of "playing hooky" from work. I love the amount of reading I'm getting done. I love abandoning the office and my co-workers for a brief time.

But today I felt restless in the library and was not sure why. But all afternoon I kept looking out my window at work and I realized, that the library, though it has a skylight that lets in the light, doesn't have windows and I was yearing for the beautiful spring vistas. It's too chilly to be out too long without a jacket (which, for some odd reason, I stopped wearing to work) and it's too windy to be able to go back to work looking somewhat "put together." So I don't go out.

I think, however, when the weather changes just a bit more I will stop my library treks for a time and start walking the city. After all, summer heat will eventually come and I'll again want the air-conditioned refuge of the library then.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Overwhelming Smells

I walked into the library today at the same tme as a gentleman - and I nearly bassed out in the lobby from the overwelming smell of his cologne. Not that it was a bad smell - just way too much of it. I spent about 45 minutes in the library and when I exited through the lobby the smell was still strong. What makes some people put on so much of a scent that it chokes all the air from the surrounding atmosphere?

I know that women do it too - but I, for some reason, encounter more men who have bathed in their scent than I do women. Or maybe it's just that the men's scent's are not as pleasant to me and so I mind them more.

I've had people tell me that their nose becomes immune to it and so they overdo it just to be sure they have it on - but if that is "common knowledge" then why do people still do it. Don't they know that just a dab is just fine -- even if they can't smell it?

The only thing worse than people who wear too much cologne are the people who gag and choke in an exaggerated way when someone with too much cologne enters the room. Come on, it's strong, but it's not poisonous. I'm sure there are a few who have allergies that it does affect that way (it happens to me with cigareet smoke) - but most of the people putting on this show are doing simply that, putting on a show. A show for which I have no patience.

So in the spirit of "just getting along" we should stop bathing in cologne and stop overreacting when others do wear too much. After all, it could be worse - it could be body odor.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Singin' in the Rain

It's raining outside - a lot - and I'm spending my evening watching Singin' in the Rain - an all time favorite movie of mine. Watching Gene Kelly dance through the puddles is a classic scene that I'm sure everyone has seen. They don't make many movies like that anymore. The closest thing in recent times has been Mamma Mia. I like movies that have singing, dancing, and fun.

However, I must be completely honest - my favorite song is not Singin' in the Rain - but Good Morning. You know. "Good Morning, Good Morning, We talked the whole night through. Good Morning, Good Morning to you."

Well, back to the movie

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reading While Driving

I have stopped listening to the radio while I commute to work. It's not that I don't enjoy the morning talk shows - I do. And it's not that I don't like keeping informed of politics and the world - I do. But the commute was getting old. So while I was at the library the other day, I picked up a book on CD that had been recommended to me. It was more of a novella - quite short in book CD standards, only 3 disks. I thought that if I didn't like it, I wouldn't have wasted too much time.

I thought it would be distracting to concentrate on a book while I was driving, but it wasn't. I found it really enjoyable. I even found myself staying in my car a few minutes after I parked in the garage so that I could finish the section I was on. I finished that book and am halfway through another (a full size one this time.)

But I won't give up on my books - the books on CD have one flaw that will keep me from turning to them exclusively - they don't let me imagine. The person reading uses different voices for each character - and it may not be how I would have imagined them. The pace, emphasis and tone are also set by the reader - and, again, not necessarily how I would have imagined it. It's more like television than a book - all the work is done for me and I just have to take it in.

So, listening to books will never take the place of reading for me - but it will definitely let me experience more books than I typically have time for. And that's a good thing.

Friday, April 23, 2010


We don't wear sweaters anymore. Why is that? I don't mean the wool things that we struggle into all winter long, I mean cardigan sweaters. You know, like Mr. Rogers. We don't wear those sweaters anymore.

When I was young, if you got chilly you just put on a sweater. Everyone had sweaters - or several. Sweaters are also good for storing tissues - my mom always had one stuffed up the sleeve of her sweater. But I digress. These days, if we get chilly we reach for a hoodie or some other type of jacket. Sometimes we will reach for another type of long-sleeved pullover. We layer. And, of course, there are the the new blankets with sleeves that are the newest rage. We just don't reach for a cardigan.

Well, except me. I have two sweaters. I still put on a jacket sometimes when I'm chilly, or a sweatshirt, but I also put on a sweater. But maybe thats just me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I watched a romantic movie last night and it occurred to me that, while I truly enjoy watching these movies, Hollywood's idea of what romance is differs a lot from mine - and maybe from what is everyone's understanding of true romance.

In the movies (and to be fair, books also) two people who meet and are destined to fall in love never seem to like each other at first - often truly despise each other. Well, not always despise - but there is always something problematic about the two of them getting together. It's only over forced time together through something shared that "their true feelings" appear.

The fantasy is also that there is such a thing as one true love or soulmate. That there is only one person in the world that you could be happily married to and without them you are destined for a life alone and lonely. I think the number of people who lose a spouse and go on to find love again should convince you that this is not accurate. You are capable of loving many people throughout your life - no two in exactly the same way, but not necessarily without the same intensity and committment. I do, however, think it may be difficult to find two people that you can connect with enough to consider your soulmate - but it's not impossible.

But, what most people do isn't like fireworks and lighting striking when you meet a person. It's more that you become each other's soulmates through time, attention, and work. The movies don't show you this. We're led to believe that everything is instantaneous. It's not. Attraction may be instantaneous - but love and soulmates aren't. It's a process - often a long process. I have met people who are elderly and feel that their partner is indeed their soulmate. But if you really talk to them, you'll find that there were times that they really didn't even like their partner. But over time and perseverance, love and respect grow. Suddenly this person that you love - but often wondered how you could ever live with - becomes your soulmate. The other half of yourself.

But, I suppose a movie like that wouldn't sell as well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My family doctor put me on a new medication the other day and it definitely has a few side effects. The first is good - I sleep. I sleep really well - no waking up every time I roll over, no lying in bed for twenty minutes fidgeting before going to sleep. I fall asleep almost immediately and I stay asleep.

The other side effect is neither good or bad. It's that I dream. I really dream! Weird, strange, elaborate, complicated and rememberable dreams. Not scarey, just the kind you wake up from and immediately think - Wow! Wonder what that meant. I remember them when I wake up, but as with any useless knowledge that I have no reason to retain - I forget it within ten minutes of waking up. After all, there is limited space in the memory banks and one has to prioritize. Dreams are way down on the list of important things to remember.

But it occurred to me. It's just another sign of getting older - when your meds balance each other out. One med I take makes me fidget a bit (mostly at bedtime) and so shutting down at the end of the day was difficult. And now the next med removes that - in addition to, I hope, doing what it was originally intended to do. I've been lucky that way - I seem to get side effects that are non-dangerous . . . even welcome. This latest med is probably a temporary one (months or years temporary, not days or weeks)so I may go back to my old sleep habits - but until then . . .

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


When a student brings you a treat, is it considered a bribe or just a throwback to the days of "an apple for the teacher"?

I have one student who has, since the the vending machine lost my money on the first night, brought me peanut M&Ms each class. This is very welcome since it would otherwise be about 8:30 pm before I would get to eat anything. (I did try the vending machine again, but it ate my money again, so I gave up.)

Now tonight I had a different student bring me two tangerines . . . and 2 napkins. And I began to wonder. Are they expecting preferential treatment when it comes to end-of-semester grading? Can I be bought by candy and fruit?

Hmm . . . I guess I will have to wait until I prepare the final grades to see if I'm "nicer" to borderline grades of students who were "nicer" to me.


Monday, April 19, 2010


I have a problem with menus. It's so hard to decide what to order. This is not because I don't like anything. It's because I typically like everything. And I like to eat.

I have a dinner meeting once a month. It's always at the same restaurant (it has nice meeting space) and I've come to know the regular menu well - only the specials surprise me. At first I used to try different things - but now I tend to just order the same thing. I think I've tried 4 different menu items.

So when the waiter comes to the table (yes we have the same one every month) he only has to ask me if I want the haddock dinner or the haddock sandwich. I've become predictable.

On the up side, its become much quicker to order.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Another weekend is over and I'm going back to work to rest.

No, I didn't get a lot accomplished this weekend. I got nothing accomplished. I start the week with only one thing crossed off my weekend to-do list.

I was babysitting this weekend. And I am so glad that I'm a Grammy and not a parent to a tiny one. Whew. Did I used to do all that - and with two??? I guess we have children when we are young because you have to be. Something as intensive as 24/7 parenting either needs youth or a nanny.

But I do feel a little proud and satisfied that I did it. I didn't really doubt I could, but I have to admit I wondered how I'd do. And except for a full to-do list, I think the weekend went well.

But thank goodness it's over and I can go back to work to rest up.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Swim Caps

Whatever happened to swim caps? When I was young no self respecting woman/girl would go into the water without protecting their hair in a colorful (and typically ugly) swim cap. Now the only people who wear them are competition swimmers.

But why did we wear them? And yes, that means I wore them also. I seem to recall a bright yellow one that I wore. And the caps back then aren't anything like the caps of today. They were thick rubbery plastic. I remember them never fitting perfect - so the hair around the edge was always damp.

Did we once think that they were attractive - or maybe it was that it was keeping hair perfectly styled was more important than fashion. Whatever the reason, they were once the only way to swim and now they are nonexistent.

I don't miss them.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Ok, I just finished day one of my long weekend of babysitting. And except for the fact that I'm ready for bed and it's not even 9:00 yet, I think I did pretty well.

We took a long walk, a long nap, and played a lot. He's really very laid back and quite easy to take care of. What I really don't understand is the bottles. Sterilizing, which nipple goes with the bedtime cereal bottle, what size bottle is for what time of day. Craziness - why doesn't everyone just breastfeed. It's truly the lazy mother's way - which is one reason (the biggest) I did it.

But I have realized that in my advanced years I'm suited perfectly to be a Grammy - because I can give them back.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

French Fries

Today I walked outside my office building and was immediately assaulted by the smell of french fries. I think it's true that smells can trigger thoughts and memories, because my brain immediately went to a happy place.

I have never met anyone who didn't like french fries. It's one of the early foods we eat - simply by virtue of it being easy for little hands to hold - and I think we develop the taste then. But all french fries are not created equal. I'm not a big fan of the spicy fries. I don't like overly salted fries. I prefer thicker fries to thinner fries (although thin ones have a time and place.) I don't need them to be curley. And everyone has their favorites. While I can do without the fries at one "royal" fast food establishment - others swear by them. The "arched" fast food establishment's fries are often too salty for me - but that's what others love about them. And another place has fries that tend to wilt - is there anyone who likes that?

My favorite place to have fries is at a Little League concession stand. They use the large fries - deep fry them in peanut oil until they are crisp on the outside and soft on the inside (typically because they are freshly made), and you can add your own salt. Heaven. Unfortunately, I don't often hit up Little League games these days - but it's a thought.

Oh, and typically I'm a 'no ketchup' person. If the fry is good - it's not needed.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This morning was foggy. Really foggy. I looked out my bathroom window ths morning and couldn't see the back of my yard. I watched the news to get the weather report. They have a camera that is on top of their building that they show in the background during weather reports. It was fuzzy and white. The only thing that I could see were a couple street lights - everything else was obliterated.

Fog is so amazing because it is literally a cloud on the ground. Going out my door I was walkiing into a cloud. That is so cool . . . in a sort of geeky way.

I went in to work a bit late after a doctor appointment, and at 9:30 am it was still thick. Then after I topped the second mountain the world opened to view and it was sunny and clear - just that quick.

So, the cloud was in one county, but not the other. Just another strange morning in my life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yesterday's Post

I've been thinking about yesterday's post. My time in the library during my lunch break was so great that I repeated it today. I almost felt naughty - like I was playing hooky or something. But it felt good too.

But I've been thinking about why it is that I feel so comfortable when surrounded by books. Why a book in my hand feels as though it belongs there (well, except paperbacks - they just feel weird, but I adapt.) Why an afternoon with a book feels like time well spent.

I was raised with a mother reading to me. I was raised watching my mother read. But I wasn't pushed to read. But I found an escape in the chapters of a novel that I didn't have anywhere else. When I read I become the characters. If they are scared, my heart races. If they are sad, I cry. If they are humiliated, I blush.

I've kept books - even ones that I wasn't overly fond of - because I dream of a room in a house someday that is filled with books. Surrounded by verbal depictions of all the adventures I've experienced and all the literary people I have met. Books fill the hole in me that nothing else does - and so I've held them close in a completely OCD way. But I'm ready to start saying goodbye to some of my old friends. At least the ones that were given to me and hold no sentimental value.

And, to compensate, I can walk next door to the library and feel enveloped in books.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Feeding the Soul

Today, instead of eating my lunch at lunchtime, I walked to the library. It's not a long walk - it's the building next door. But I've been wanting to go since we moved in.

I was amazed at how large it was inside, I easly got lost. Finding my way up to the 2nd floor - where the fiction was - I aimlessly wandered the alphabet looking at the spines of the book. Finally I randomly selected one from an author I'd never heard of and sat down in a upholstered chair to read. I made it through 6 chapters during what was left of my hour lunch. Then I put the book back in it's place on the shelf, and walked back to my office.

It was heaven! I often read during my lunch, but I'm constantly interruped by the phone (if you're here, they'll transfer a call to you - lunchtime or not.) So having the peace and quiet of the library for lunch was a plus. I think I'll do the same tomorrow. But I won't have to ramdomly look for a book, I think I'll continue on with the one I started.

Oh, and I still ate. I had a sandwich at my desk afterward while I was working. Priorities you know.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'm a big believer in family closeness. Well, not too close - everyone needs their space. But I strongly feel that family is there for each other.

I have a sister who will let me lean on her shoulder any time I want. Another who will listen to me for a long time. I have a daughter who worries about me and a son who can make me laugh when I'm feeling low. And this is how it should be.

My family know I'll be there if they need me. My co-workers didn't understand when I took off to go to the funeral of my sister's mother-in-law. They didn't understand, but i knew that my sister needed someone there for her. My daughter used to say that she didn't have to worry about her life because I was worrying enough for both of us.

But that's who I am. And I think I raised my kids to be there for each other. And a nice bonus is I think they care deeply for me. Cool.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today I got to spend some time with my grandson and remembered what it is I like best about babies. I like holding them just as they are trying (or trying not to) fall asleep.

He didn't want to take a nap so I picked him up and held him and did that swaying body thing that all mothers instinctively know how to do. He fussed and cried and rubbed his face against my chest. He fussed and fussed, but couldn't manage to pick his head up. I hummed and swayed until he finally gave in to sleep.

This was what I liked best about being a mother too. I liked comforting babies. I never minded their tears or screams, I just wanted to hold them and walk or rock or sway and sing or hum to them. It was relaxing to me.

Now before you think I'm some kind of sadist (or saint) - I did have my breaking point (with both my children - but at different ages) and there were times when I just had to walk away and calm myself. Once I even walked downstairs and stood in the living room and screamed. I felt so much better afterward.

But I have come to believe that I like calming babies, because it calms me too. Something about that swaying and humming. Maybe I should try doing it without the babies.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday List

Since it's Friday I once again took part in one of my regular Friday riturals - I make a weekend "to do" list.

I don't start it until Friday, but sometimes I think about it earlier in the week. Mostly to wish silently to myself that I don't think of it and start the list too early in the day. The amount of tasks that end up on the list is directly correlated to how early in the day I begin it. Honest. A list that begins late in the afternoon is always much shorter.

Today's list only has about seven items on it. Now, some of them are large jobs - but only seven items. Cool

Now, with that said, I will honestly say that there is a very good chance that I won't complete the "to do" list. Even with only a few items on it, it doesn't matter. I don't think I have ever completed a list. I try, but there is always at least one thing left. Often more than one thing because as the weekend progresses I think of things to add to it.

I know I should not make lists - why set myself up for failure? But if I don't write them down, I'll spend the weekend trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing.

So, it's one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios. Sigh.


Today was one of those days that really did me in.

I was tired in the afternoon (for no real reason.) By the time I was driving home I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. And by the time I got home I felt completely deflated. There is no other word to describe it - I felt I had nothing in me at all.

But this never happens when I have the evening free - last night was my book club. So I cuddled with my dog for a bit, drank some OJ (my idea of an energy drink) and drug myself the 4 blocks to the Library.

I managed to briefly pep myself up and get through the meeting, but by the time I got home I was ready to just crawl in bed. I managed to eat a little - but then Winnie and I crawled into bed for some mindless TV until the eyes closed.

I don't mind feeling this way when I have a reason - especially hard day, lack of sleep the night before, etc - but when there is no rhyme or reason, it's just annoying. Although Winnie didn't seem to mind a bit.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chocolate Pudding

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Something that you allow yourself to have way too frequently? Mine right now is probably chocolate pudding. It has been chocolate pudding off and on throughout the past, but all winter it's been top on my list. I buy a couple tubs of it a month. I try to make it last a long time, but it's usually gone by the end of the weekend. It's just too good.

It's sweet, rich, creamy, and of course, chocolatey (always a plus.) And, to borrow from another dessert treat, there's always room for it. Well, at least for me there is.

A coworker said that to make the guilty pleasure a little less guilty I should buy the instant, sugar free pudding. I will, but only to feel less guilty. Its just not as good. It is still sweet, creamy, and chocolatey - but the richness is gone. That rich texture on your tongue is one of the best parts. It seems a shame to miss out on it for the sake of a few calories.

Maybe I can work this to my advantage and be the Grammy that always has the good chocolate pudding in the fridge. I'm sure I can learn to share.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I bought a purse last weekend. Now that's not really unusual, except when I tell you that it's a green purse. Sort of a light moss color - really pretty.

I'm the type of person who likes to buy basic things and use them a lot. In the winter I carry black purses. Black goes with everything and there is no worry that it won't match. In the summer I either continue to carry my black purse or I switch it out for a tan or woven purse. So I went into the Coach store over the weekend (I'm so picky, that I've begun going straight to Coach - if I'm going to spend a lot I'm at least going to like it) and saw a purse in a size and style that I liked. It was available in tan and green. I told myself that I picked the green because the tan was too light and would get dirty too quickly. But I really just wanted the green. (There was another purse that was pink and green that I REALLY wanted, but it was new and really expensive. I'll wait until it goes down at the end of the season and see if I still want it.)

I carried the purse around with me for a bit while I looked through the rest of the store. After all, you can't buy the first purse you pick up, right? But nothing else was right. Not the right size. Not the right strap. Not the right shape. Not the right design. Not the right price. The green purse was perfect. So I bought it.

Now I had a coupon (I'm on their mailing list) and it was on sale, but it was still about $25-$40 more than if I'd gone to a mall department store and bought something that I wouldn't like as well and wouldn't last as well. But, in my increasing years I've decided that I'm worth it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

More on the Weather

Ok, decision made. I'm turning on the air conditioning. I wanted to wait, but after a visit to my allergy doctor today - where I got scolded for having windows open when the tree pollen count was in the 600's.

Isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. My doctor reminded me that nothing has changed since last year and the year before and my itchy eyes and congestion today is a direct result of the pollen I let into my world over the weekend.

So I guess there will be no more open car windows for me. From now on I won't leave the door open when I come home in the evening. And I will be limiting the duration of my time outdoors. Sigh.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


It's that strange time of year when you don't know whether to turn the heat or the air conditioning on. If I turn the heat off, it's still not quite cool enough, but if I turn the air on, it's too cool. Or its comfortable with just their heat off during the day, but it gets too chilly at night.

What I typically do is turn it off and on and then off again and then on again. I kow that's probably the most energy efficient way to handle this time of year, but I don't know what else to do.

In an attempt to not change it up and down too frequently, I turn on the ceiling fan that is in the bedroom. It helps to keep me cool without constantly tampering with the thermostat, but unfortunately Winnie (my teacut Chihuahua) hates it. To be honest, she hates anything that makes her the slightest bit chilly. So when she starts scratching at my neck I know she's too cool and I cover her with a little blanket. She keeps her head sticking out, but the blanket keeps the breeze off her.

Ah, life is sometimes too complicated.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Today I spent a few hours outside and enjoyed it tremendously . . . until I came back in. The head started aching and the sinuses were filling up. Spring is not an easy time for me. It's so difficult to want to be out enjoying the weather but knowing that I will suffer for it later.

When I was growing up on a farm I would wake up in the morning with a nice breeze blowing and, of course, my nose rebelling in dozens of sneezes. I felt I'd been reborn when I moved into the city and finally had air conditioning that allowed me to keep the windows closed. It was a tradeoff, but it made my life easier.

But I became a bit of a hermit - keeping indoors more and more. I think that is why I like windows so much - I get to stay somewhat connected to the outdoors and preserve my sinuses.

Friday, April 2, 2010

People Watching

I took myself out to lunch today. I asked to sit by the window (because it had better light and I was going to read until the food came) but I ended up people watching.

My favorite "character" was an elderly man in a wheelchair. He was wearing a little golf cap positioned jauntily off to the side, large yellow sunglasses, and he wistled. The sunglasses caught my eye first - they had to be women's (who else would wear canary yellow sunglasses) but he wore them with style.

Second was the young man carrying a skateboard. He was wearing a knit cap (even though its warm out) and he was wearing skinny jeans that were belted tight underneath his butt. I understand the under-you-butt-to-show-your-underware look, but I've never seen it with skinny jeans. It just looked completely wrong and took some getting used to.

Then came the little girl and (probably) her father. She looked 8-10 years old. He talked to her (gotta give him credit for trying) and all she did was roll her eyes and pick at several iron-on tatoos that covered her arms. I wanted to shake her and tell her to give him a chance, but . . . alas . . . I was on the other side of the glass.

The final characters came as I walked back to the office. It was a mother and daughter who could have passed for twins - only in a "mini me" sort of way. They were both short, overweight, with long frizzy hair parted in the middle. They were dressed alike and had on similar sunglasses. Each were drinking from a cup with a straw. They didn't communicate or even look at each other, but coming down the street it was definitely a sight.

Maybe I'll leave the book at home the next time I take myself to lunch.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today is Thursday. All in all a good day because you can see the end of the week and it's close enough to touch.

But this is the second Thursday I've had this week. For some reason I woke up yesterday knowing it was Thursday. I went through most of the morning feeling that way until someone in my office burst my bubble. Even though I knew it wasn't - I couldn't shake the feeling that it really was Thursday. (Do you ever get like that?)

At first I was bummed. But then I realized that it has made this week a little easier. Wednesday is never good - too far from the last weekend and still not close enough to reach out to the coming weekend. It's a dreary day. But I didn't have that yesterday. Although I learned that it was Wednesday, I still felt Thursdayish. Cool.