Monday, December 7, 2009

Fitness Test

While surfing the internet yesterday I came across a site that wanted you to test your physical fitness. It didn't give you any results, but rather its goal was to get you to test a few things and then go back again in a couple weeks and test again and then go back a few weeks later and do the same. It was more of a way you could see your own progress over a period of time.

Now, I didn't think I'd ever find the website again, but I wanted, just for the heck of it, to take the test. It was, after all, really short and I had time.

The first test was how many sit ups you could do in one minute. I didn't do them quickly, but I was proud of myself. The second test was how many push ups you could do in one minute. I did the "girl" push ups - actually, I tried the regular push ups and found I could do zero no matter what time I was given. So, I cheated a little, but I did them. The final test told me to go up and down the stairs as quickly as I could for 3 minutes and then check my heart rate. Minute one was great, I was flying up and down the stairs. Minute two I was slower, but I was still keeping a steady pace. Minute three would never have happened if I didn't have a handrail. I was pulling myself up the stairs and I thought my chest would explode. But I did it. I completed everything. I felt good. I wasn't as bad off as I thought.

Until today. I found climbing stairs today to be excruciating. My muscles were locked in position and refused to lift my foot to go up the stairs. After some begging, the muscles let me move but they spent the rest of the day reminding me that I really owed them.

Ok, maybe I am as bad off as I thought.

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