Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Breakfast for Dinner

I love to eat breakfast for dinner.

I love to make eggs, corned beef hash, and toast in the evening. I love pancakes for weekend suppers. These meals are better suited for evening than for morning. Probably because I have to get up early to commute to work, and these meals are too heavy for 7:00 am.

I'm not much for cereal in the evening. When I do have it, it means I had a busy day and don't even have the energy to heat up leftovers. So, it happens, but cereal just isn't exciting enough.

Actually, dinner is when I eat most of my breakfasts. In fact, I don't eat much in the morning - at least not typically. And because of this, if I didn't eat breakfasts for dinner, I'd never get to enjoy these meals.


  1. Breakfast is my LEAST favorite meal. There are rarely vegetables involved...just a bunch of heavy, sweet every now and again, but not my favorite at all! I did eat a bowl of cereal for dessert the other night...I was desperate because I had purposely not been buying sweets for the house because I was feeling so addicted to the sugar so I had to settle for cereal when my cravings kicked in. I broke down and bought some of that local ice cream that I love at the farmer's market store the other day....sigh.

  2. Eric makes delicsious veggie omelets. Toast and cereal here (no cows milk please), fruit, healthy glorious morning muffins with hot tea or ice tea. Ummm
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  3. I never SKIP breakfast--no way!! I jus don't like traditional breakfast foods. These days I eat an apple with peanut butter and drink some hot tea. Then around 11, if Eric is home, he makes me a delicious egg sammy with tomato, avocado, spinach, and chedder.
