Thursday, December 17, 2009


I don't do well without sleep. I'm not a 6-hour a night person. I want at least 8 or 9 before I feel truly refreshed. I can get by on less for a short time, but eventually it hits me and I'm a vegetable.

Last night I didn't sleep well. Well, that's not accurate. I slept well - really well - until 1:30 am. Then I woke up and felt completely alert. I could have sworn it was morning. I looked at the clock (proud of myself for waking up before the alarm)and gasped when I saw the time. I cuddled with Winnie a bit and snuggled down to go back to sleep. But didn't. I couldn't go back to sleep. I was awake.

Sometime around 3:00 am I decided that I would try to watch TV for a bit - at that time of morning that should surely bore me to sleep. No such luck. I was starting to get frantic. How will I get through my day without a little more sleep? I tossed and turned and tossed some more. Finally, at about 4:10 am I started to feel a little drowsy again. I put the covers over my head and tried one more time. This time (after I don't know how long) there was success.

Needless to say I wanted to toss the freaking alarm when it went off at 6:00 am. I turned it off and snoozed again until 7:00 am -- my drop-dead time to get up. I yawned through my shower and makeup. I yawned through my commute. I yawned through my morning meeting. I haven't even eaten lunch yet because I'm just too tired. I tried an extra cup of tea, but nothing is taking any weight off my eyelids.

I wish I could go home right now and take a nap, but I've got a meeting after work. I won't get home until almost 8:30 pm. And all I can think about is - what if I can't sleep again tonight?


  1. No sleep is relative. It seems it takes one night of sleeplessness to get screwed up, but then three nights to get back to feeling rested. What happened the next night? Sleep?

  2. Yes! I was exhausted, but I forced myself to stay up until 10:00 pm just to make sure I was REALLY exhausted.

    Guess it was just a fluke.

  3. Weird...Eric does that sometimes, not as much as when we first met, but I remember always finding it weird when I'd wake up at like 3 in the morning to find his side of the bed empty and see the glow from a living room light from under the door. He does it when he has stuff on his mind and his worried so I suggested that instead of getting up to watch TV and eat a bowl of cereal (his usual) he should get up and make a list of all the stuff that's running through his head, that way he can leave it on paper and go back to sleep. He said it helped and has only done it once since Hannah was born.

    But you said nothing was on your mind, you were just wide awake, huh?? Very strange.....

    I require about 7 1/2 to 8 hours of sleep, but I rarely get it these days :) I've learned to function on two 3-hour stints (with an awake period in the middle to feed the banana).

  4. I have to get up and get a bowl of cereal sometimes. I have found that being hungry sometimes wakes me up. After eating I go back to sleep, no problem. Maybe a busy mind burns calories and causes hunger. Hee, Hee!
