Monday, December 28, 2009


With the new year approaching, I've realized that I haven't gotten a new calendar yet. I'm not a huge fan of calendars. I can have one hanging up and forget to change the month for several months. I keep most of my appointment information on my Google calendar - which sends me texts to let me know what is coming (cool, huh?) But everyone needs a calendar hanging somewhere in the house (typically kitchen) that they can refer to when you are making plans and need to know what date is the first Saturday . . . or something like that.

I used to have multiple calendars. I'd have a desk blotter calendar, a kitchen calendar, a planner in my purse, a little stand-up calendar that my insurance agent sends me, a calendar in my office (often the shirtless cowboys one)and a little card calendar that I could keep in my wallet. Somewhere along the way I stopped needing calendars. I'm not sure why.

My need for calendars ended only a few years after I stopped needing a watch. I could try to say that it has something to do with a changing philosophy of life and living as opposed to being a slave to a schedule, but it probably is just another facet of getting older.


  1. Brian is a rolutine kind of a guy and like to have a calendar hanging on the refrigerator to give him a view of the upcoming week. The one with beautiful pictures such as the one we bought when in San Francisco prolongs the memory of the trip. At the end of the year we take the calendar from the front of the refrigerator and look through it as we count our blessings and remember the lessons we have learned from each experience.
    Haven't tackled the google calendar yet, maybe something to put on the list to do for 2010.
    I enjoy reading your blog, it stimulates the brain.

  2. Terri turned me on to the Google calendar because we can "link" - now she can see what weekends I have free and I can see when she has Dr. appointments. You don't have to link it to your cell phone, but I like getting the texts to remind me of what's comng tomorrow.

  3. I think your expiring need for a calendar has less to do with getting old and more to do with technology. I used to have calendars too but no longer bother. What's the point? And I also used to wear a watch but since I always have my cell and my cell has a clock, what's the point??
