Saturday, May 1, 2010


Summer is now here. I know it because it's muggy and I'm sweating. I like summer well enough - but I hate to sweat. And that makes it almost impossible to do anything in the summer. Moving makes me sweat.

And if it's not enough that moving makes me sweat, any amount of heat makes me have hot flashes. So now, if I get hot, it brings on a hot flash that has me sweating even when I have the AC cranked up.

So, I'll hibernate in my house until fall. Which is sort of opposite what everyone else does. Hmmm.


  1. Me too. I was beginning to think that something was wrong with me. I put effort into buying the thinnest and most breathable clothes I could find for this summer thinking that I am going to do whatever it takes to be comfortable and enjoy the summer. Thank heaven for air conditioning.

  2. That is what AC is for - so that we never have to suffer through muggy summer days again. :-)
