Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Physical Therapy

I now have to do physical therapy for my shoulder. I have a bone spur. And when the tendon becomes inflamed, the bone spur rubs on it and causes wear and tear. This I understand. What I don't understand is how USING my shoulder - such as in phsical therapy - would not also cause the tendon to become inflamed. Thus the cycle.

I asked the doctor AND the physical therapist this question. Both detailed some gibberish about stronger muscles. I tried to follow, I really did. In the end I just agreed to it because the next step is surgery on the shoulder to file down the bone spur. Physical therapy it is.

So back to the physical therapy - my first visit went well. She throught I was pretty limber and had good posture except that my shoulders came forward a bit - she said this was common because otherwise my "girls" would stick out more and everyone tends to downplay that. I did some stretches and some exercises and felt pretty good. Until she got me on the table to stretch the muscle for me. She poked her finger in one spot on my shoulder and I thought I would leap to my feet in one movement. "You're a little tight there" she said. "Ya think?" She said it was because that muscle was overcompensating and doing things the OTHER muscles and tendons should be doing, but that may have been painful.

So, in other words. My shoulder hurt, but it would have been hurting worse had I been keeping my posture correct and using the shoulder the way it should have been used. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

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