Monday, November 9, 2009


Last night I stayed up until almost midnight to finish a book. I haven't done that in a while. I had every intention of turning off the light and going to bed at about 10:00 pm, then 10:30, then 11:00 pm, and then I just stopped looking at the clock and decided that I'd drink extra tea tomorrow morning.

There is nothing like the feeling of being so engrossed in a book that you neglect other things because you just have to keep reading. It doesn't have to be a great book, just a great story. One that captures you and forces you along with the characters. This is probably why I'm such a fan of mysteries - they tend to capture you like few other genres do. There is rarely a "Oh, my goodness! What is going to happen next?" moment in a love story. But in a thriller or mystery, once the story gets going, it takes you on a cerebral amusement park ride through the plot.

This is why I like to write. I like to attempt to control readers the way a good story will. I don't know what other writers think, but I want the reader to cry when the characters are experiencing sadness, to laugh when the characters are experiencing something funny or outrageous, and to have their heart beat faster right along with a character during a chase or scarey experience. And because other writers can do this, I like to read.

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