Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. Even back when I was married or with someone. It seems like a day of too much pressure. Is a card enough? Do you do a card AND a gift? What about a card and cookies? What exactly is the appropriate protocol for the people in your life.

And even if you do get it figured out, the other person probably hasn't so there will be an inequality of gift giving which will make things awkward again. There need to be rules.

So, my opinion is to find what you can agree on and do it every year - favorite restaurant, special cookies, cards, flowers, it doesn't matter just stick to what works and everyone is happy.

But, since I am not currently in a relationship . . . I don't have to worry about it at all. I sent cards to the grandbabies - that's it. Whew!


  1. You sent cards to the grandbabies??? This grandbaby has not yet received hers....Assumably because of the constant snow. What happened to the post office people operating no matter what the weather?? No, kidding. I'm glad they don't torture their employees :)

  2. So much for a traditional Valentine's Day. We went out for dinner today. We both were tired and slept most of yesterday. We love being rebels.

  3. And the cards had money - feeding the piggy bank.
