Thursday, February 4, 2010


I bought a new quilt for my bed during all the January sales. I have 2 quilts that I've alternated on my bed until then, but they were getting a little threadbare.

I love quilts. I have since I was a little girl and used to love to snuggle under my grandmother's quilts. Once I spent the night at her house and I slept like weights were on me because she had at least 3 quilts on the bed. This was my dad's mother. When she died each of us would have loved one of her quilts, but they disappeared quickly.

Anyway, I switched to quilts after my hysterectomy. They are warm but also cool. Strange, I know, but they suit me fine. And they look good on my bed.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly the same thoughts. I collected quilts for a short period of time, have one from a great great aunt, always sleep with one, and never leave home without one while traveling or being away from home overnnight. :)
