Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stacking Memories

I heard something on a news radio channel the other week that I thought was facinating. You know how sometimes it seems you have more memories of your childhood than you do for what happened last week? Well there is a reason for that.

It seems the first time you do something it imprints in your memory in more detail, every time after that you save less and less of it. Which is why, after thousands of meals, you can't remember what you had for dinner last night.

So when you were a child, you did things for the first time - first vacation, first kiss, first dance. You remembered more of the event. I remember every detail associated with my first kiss - but I can't even remember when my last kiss was, or whether it was remarkable in any way.

So, this means that as we get older we should find ways to do new things. Otherwise our brain is just yawning with all the repetition and moving things straight to the "out" box.