Friday, January 8, 2010


One of the things I enjoy about the holiday season is the Poinsettia plant. It's so bright and cheerful. I try to buy one every year - sometimes for home and sometimes for work.

This year I bought a very small Poinsettia plant to put on my desk at work - I thought it would thrive better there because my office feels like a greenhouse most of the time and my home feels like a refridgerator.

But now we're into the 2nd week of the new year and my poor Poinsettia plant is starting to drop it's bright red leaves. It's beginning to look a little tired and worn. I'll keep it on my desk until it stops looking like a plant at all. I'll give it every opportunity to come back to life, but I know it won't.

That's one of the sad parts of the holiday season . . . it ends and we go back to dreary winter days of no color.

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