Friday, January 15, 2010

Book Club

The only thing that comes close to reading, is talking about reading.

I belong to a mystery book club that meets once a month. We talk about fluff mysteries, gory mysteries, traditional mysteries, and completely untraditional mysteries. We try to pick authors that we haven't read before to broaden our list of "favorite" authors. And I've done that.

What I find amazing is that in my entire lifetime, of all the books I have read, I have never read a book that I didn't like. I've read a few that were merely okay. I've read several that were poorly written but wonderfully gripping. And I read one book that I enjoyed so thoroughly that when it ended I was sad. I didn't want to leave it behind.

Books take me to places that I've never been and probably never will. They let me feel things that I wouldn't otherwise get to feel. They give my imagination fuel to keep it running. They fill in all the cracks in my life.

It began in the third grade . . . but that's another blog post.


  1. Love books. I would be lost without them. My interests seem to change often. Remember in earlier years reading all night cause I didn't want to put the book down. Now while reading in the evening, the book falling wakes me up. I have to say though, the best reads I have were the biographies of the presidents wives. Anyway, I love reading and my weakness is buying books that the library dosen't have. Our library's motto is "Readers Are Leaders." Maaaybe that is true.

  2. Well, it's definitely not wrong.
