Thursday, January 7, 2010


I love getting things accomplished. I like crossing things off the "to do" list. I like seeing the "in" box stuff move to the "out" box. I like a cluttered desk turning into a clean desk. I like turning the last page of a book. I like seeing that things are being done. I like things that have ends that you can recognize.

Which is why I dislike many jobs. You can't see your accomplishments being done because it's a neverending - like housework. As soon as all the dishes are washed another is dirtied. As soon as you sweep your floor, it starts accumulating dust again.

I have some jobs like that at work too - as soon as I empty the folder more comes in . . . daily. It becomes frustrating.

Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work.

1 comment:

  1. I must get my love of finishing stuff from you. I told you I sometimes put things ON the to do list AFTER I've done them just so I can crosss them off (because I procrastinated and chose not to do what was on the list and needed to feel good about something).
