Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have a back ache. No, I didn't do anythng to my back. No over exercising. No accident. No strain. I wasn't moving furniture or lifting weights. I did nothing. I walked from my office to the reception area and turned to talk to someone and I felt my my back spasm.

I've never understood how a back can just go berzerk without an provocation. It doesn't seem quite fair. You shouldn't experience pain without a reason. Guess it's just another one of the ways that aging screws with you.

But on the flip side, it's a good excuse to take a muscle relaxer left over from the last back ache.


  1. Ummmmm...I think I would blame being out of shape prior to age....No offense or anything, but....yeah. You should get in shape. This makes me think of that comedian who said "Round is a shape!" I love you and would like it very much if you would do us both a favor by taking better care of yourself.

  2. Way to bring the birthday girl down.
