Sunday, April 18, 2010


Another weekend is over and I'm going back to work to rest.

No, I didn't get a lot accomplished this weekend. I got nothing accomplished. I start the week with only one thing crossed off my weekend to-do list.

I was babysitting this weekend. And I am so glad that I'm a Grammy and not a parent to a tiny one. Whew. Did I used to do all that - and with two??? I guess we have children when we are young because you have to be. Something as intensive as 24/7 parenting either needs youth or a nanny.

But I do feel a little proud and satisfied that I did it. I didn't really doubt I could, but I have to admit I wondered how I'd do. And except for a full to-do list, I think the weekend went well.

But thank goodness it's over and I can go back to work to rest up.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how anyone does it with two kids, but yeah, youth or a nanny would def make it easier :)

    As for your to do list, yeah....My items get crossed off a lot slower too.
